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Great Lent Holy Week Schedule 2025

Holy Week 2025

Holy Monday - 6:00 pm

Holy Tuesday - 6:00 pm

Holy Wednesday

Liturgy of the Presanctified and Holy Anointing - 6:00 pm

Holy Thursday - Mystical Supper

Vespers/Liturgy of St. Basil - 6:00 pm

Good Friday

Royal Hours/Confessions - 12 Noon

Burial Service/Lamentations - 6:00 pm

Holy Saturday - Vigil

Vespers/Liturgy of St. Basil - 6:00 pm

Easter Sunday

Resurrection Service

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom - 9:00 am
(Blessing of Easter Baskets / Distribution of Pascha)

Forgiveness Vespers

Sunday, February 23, 2025  - 5:00 pm

Monday - 6:00 pm

Tuesday - 6:00 pm

Wednesday - 1:00 pm

Liturgy of the Presanctified - 6:00 pm

Thursday - 6:00 pm

Friday - 1:00 pm

Liturgy of the Presanctified - 6:00 pm

Saturday - 4:00 pm

(All Souls)

Sunday - 10:00 am

(Liturgy of St. Basil)

Holy Week 2024


Holy Monday - 6:00 pm


Holy Tuesday - 6:00 pm


Holy Wednesday

Liturgy of the Presanctified

and Holy Anointing - 6:00 pm


Holy Thursday - Mystical Supper

Vespers/Liturgy of St. Basil - 6:00 pm


Good Friday

Royal Hours/Confessions - 12 Noon

Burial Service/Lamentations - 6:00 pm


Holy Saturday - Vigil

Vespers/Liturgy of St. Basil - 6:00 pm


Easter Sunday

Resurrection Service

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom - 9:00 am

Forgiveness Vespers

Sunday, February 11th - 4:00 pm


Monday - 6:00 pm


Tuesday - 6:00 pm


Wednesday - 1:00 pm

Liturgy of the Presanctified - 6:00 pm


Thursday - 6:00 pm


Friday - 1:00 pm

Liturgy of the Presanctified - 6:00 pm


Saturday - 4:00 pm

(All Souls)


Sunday - 10:00 am

(Liturgy of St. Basil)

Our Journey to Pascha 2025


Our Journey to PASCHA!

"The Journey to Pascha" refers to the period of preparation leading up to the celebration of Pascha, also known as Easter, in the Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition. This journey typically begins with the season of Great Lent, a time of fasting, prayer, and repentance lasting approximately 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Pascha.


During this journey, Eastern Orthodox Christians focus on spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and attending church services. The goal is to prepare oneself spiritually to fully participate in the joyous celebration of Pascha, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Throughout Great Lent, there are various services and traditions observed, including the Liturgy of the Presanctified, which is celebrated on Wednesdays and Fridays. The journey culminates in Holy Week, which includes services such as the Bridegroom Matins, the Service of the Twelve Gospels on Holy Thursday, and the Vigil on Holy Saturday leading into Pascha.


Overall, "The Journey to Pascha" encompasses a time of spiritual reflection, repentance, and anticipation as Eastern Orthodox Christians prepare to celebrate the central event of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

St. George Byzantine Catholic Church

720 Rural St. Aurora, IL 60505


Weekend Liturgies:
Saturday - 4:00 pm
Sunday - 10:00 am

Weekdays Liturgies:
Monday – Thursday - 6:00 pm
Friday - 1:00 pm

© St. George Byzantine Catholic Church

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